Festive Fun

Central Hall Wymondham 6A Back Ln, Wymondham, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Tickets available at the door are £8 for adults, children free. Listen to traditional music plus: J.C. Bach - Quintet in D L. Mozart - Toy Symphony McClean - Rhumba Guest Musicians are welcome, please enter your details using the form below.      


Christmas Celebration of Music and Carols

Baptist Church, Wymondham Queen Street, Wymondham, United Kingdom

Come and listen to our super WYMS Christmas celebration of music and carols. We are inviting all past and current members to join in playing and singing carols - bring your instruments and your voices! Queen St. Baptist Church Wymondham at 7:00 - 9:00 pm on THURSDAY DECEMBER 5th. Musicians to arrive a little earlier […]
