Rehearsals and Classes

All rehearsals and classes take place on Thursday evenings in term time.

They take place in the Function Room at Wymondham Rugby Club. This is at the northern end of the new estate off Norwich Common, Wymondham. It’s well signposted.

Wymondham Rugby Club, Bray Drive (off Reeve Way), Wymondham NR18 0GQ

Occasionally, the venue has to be changed to accommodate other activities – all participants will be informed prior to any change. We will also publicise changes on this website.

WYMS 2024 term dates:

Autumn – Thursday 12 September

Wymondham Youth Orchestra

  • Director – Margery Baker
  • 19:15 – 21:00

Theory of Music Classes

  • Up to Grade 5 – Margery Baker
  • from 17:30

Theory of Music Classes

  • Grade 6+ – Chris Jaggard
  • from 17:30

Junior Strings

  • Director – Chris Jaggard
  • 18:00 – 19:00